Sharon JC Hand-tied Bouquet (NO VASE)

from $100.00

Our hand-tied bouquet in a bag with bright red and pink flowers.


This ready-made, full of abundance, European hand-tied bouquet is packed with a water pack ready for you to drop them in your own vase.

Care instruction: Remove cellophane water pack and drop them in your vase.

Florist Note: NO Peonies available until the 1st week of October, so Dahlias & ranunculus will be used as a substitute.

**Next Day Delivery - Please call for same-day Delivery

**Orders must be placed by 2:00 PM PDT to arrive the next day.

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We do our best to create arrangements that replicate the product image, however, as nature is unpredictable, we do sometimes have to make substitutions to the flowers. 

Some bouquets/arrangements ingredients can cause irritation. If you have any special requirements or allergies please contact our team info(at) or call us at 310 318 8871.

We will try and inform you of any changes but rest assured the bouquets or hatboxes will look as beautiful and smell as heavenly as the original.